Display of tobacco products in open display cases in England and Wales will be banned. Such a decision to declare the British Government.
However, machines on sale of cigarettes will not be banned, and manufacturers do not have to abandon colorful packages.
The government hopes that the ban on public demonstration of cigarettes will help in the fight against smoking. A similar bill is being prepared in Scotland, Northern Ireland is already discussing it.
However, critics of the bill argue that the measures are not adequate.
Government advice on how to discourage young people from smoking, started six months ago, led the vast majority, about 100 thousand expressing respondents supported a ban on public demonstration of tobacco products to the stores.
According to the correspondent of the BBC on medicine Jane Driper, Health Minister Alan Johnson was very impressed with the data obtained from other countries, indicating that the ban directly affect the number of cigarettes sold.
The government argued that in countries where tobacco products are removed from display cases - such as Iceland or Thailand - the percentage of youth smoking has declined by as much as 10%.
However, the British Heart Foundation - the fund involved in the fight against cardiovascular disease - have argued that the only way to protect children from the opportunity to buy cigarettes - this is fully automatic ban on the sale of tobacco products.