Havana cigars are very popular among smokers. They differ one fact, a prominent political figure, Sir Winston Churchill smoked cigars. Cigars were a source of hard political decisions on them.
Havana cigars accompanied by Sir Winston Churchill almost everywhere. He smoked them at home and at work. He especially liked to smoke during work. Sir Churchill spent a lot of money on cigars. Through this passion, there is a cigar brands Cigars Churchill in production. Havana cigars are famous for the fact that there are many legends about them. One of the most common is the fact that the cause of cigars as well because they rolled on the thighs of women Havana. Due to such a nice legend, cigars have more popularity.
Several years ago in Havana, a cigar owning one employee of the Cuban tobacco factory became a very famous man. This is a virtuoso in the Guinness Book of Records because of his record: the man managed to roll a cigar 11 meters. This person works in a factory with 9 years old, and his cigars are the best. Usually cigars sold in wooden boxes. They are stored in humidors, which keep cigars not only safe, but they are also the subject of collecting.
For example, in 1989 humidor John F. Kennedy was sold at auction for $ 159 000. Havana cigars are truly embody the true quality of expensive cigars. Havana cigars deserve only the true connoisseurs of valuable cigars.
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